Set in the year 2050, we designed 7 unique canapés for the launch of MOD.’s 7 Siblings From The Future Exhibition - each based on the unique set of values displayed by the Siblings.

We work with you to…



Post Dining were approached by MOD. to design 7 bespoke canapés for their 7 Siblings of the Future exhibition launch in consultation and collaboration with their in-house catering team, FoodLore.



The brief was to design a canapé for each of the 7 siblings featured in the exhibition by creating a dish that represented each of the siblings’ personal values, all the while following the themes of future food.



The result were a series of fun and interactive eating experiences that challenged and engaged all the senses - set at MOD. to coincide with their exhibition opening. See more on our favourite unique canapés below.

A little more on some of our favourite concepts:

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ALEX | Benevolence

Course: A canapé personalised for you

Alex believes that helping others is the best reward, and acknowledges that all of our health needs are different. They would like you to eat something designed specifically to help you.

Alex works as a nurse with the elderly. Instead of living in nursing homes, patients are observed through their wearable medical devices. The future of healthcare will involve personalised treatment, through personalised medicine and sensors.

Using these themes we designed a canapé that would directly link to personalised health and wellness questions - each canapé designed through taking a short quiz which was shown to the server and assembled especially for them.

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AVA | Stimulation

Course: Boba served with native fruit puree

Ava has been genetically engineered to be super intelligent. This course plays on the ideas of genetic modification and innovation in foods – as well as what you could physically eat in space (where liquids need to be contained). 

Ava’s key value is stimulation. When you consume the boba, the bursting of the sphere creates a sensory stimulus in the mouth, releasing an unexpected texture and taste. Ava believes that life without adventure is meaningless. This food explores the boundaries of what is possible for life on earth and beyond.

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KAI | Equality

Course: Cassava Cracker, served with bean-based dip and roasted mealworms

Kai is an activist working on climate adaptation and sustainable mobility and migration. Kai’s dad was one of the first climate refugees. Kai’s unique canapé utilises ingredients that could be grown and easily accessed anywhere in the world, and/or are notable for their long shelf-life, transportability and nutritional content.

Let’s break it down…

Cassava is highly drought-tolerant, growing even in poor soils with low rainfall and has a wide harvesting window. Cassava crackers have a long shelf life and travel well. 

If you properly package dried beans they can last for up to 30 years and are a nutrient dense and adaptable food source. 

Mealworms are a resilient and sustainable source of protein which you could even begin to ‘farm’ in your own home. They take up very little space, with the proper setup can grow virtually anywhere and require less feed and water than traditional livestock.

Rowan’s compressed mushroom “meat”balls

Rowan’s compressed mushroom “meat”balls

Julia’s sustainability minded Kangaroo sausage rolls served with edible weeds (purslane) and bush tomato relish.

Julia’s sustainability minded Kangaroo sausage rolls served with edible weeds (purslane) and bush tomato relish.


Ernst & Young